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I Want To Travel, But
I'm Afraid It'll Ruin My Future

16 May 2016 | Mri Grout - A Lifelong Vagabond

I hear this a lot, especially from people aged 17 – 25 who are now fully expected to enter the 'real world' of bills, work, and a monetary definition of success. They dream of falling in love with a foreign accent, of petting the wild kangaroos of Pebbly Beach, of learning to fly and sail to all ends of the earth or maybe just a corner, but as they are repeatedly told they must apply for universities and well-paying positions, their dreams slowly die – only to resurface as regret years on down the line.

However, it doesn't have to be that way. You're young with your whole life ahead of you and travelling for a gap year does not ruin your future. If anything, it betters it.

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4. You'll Nail That Job Interview

supreme confidence on a moose
Travelling is a fantastic way to learn true self-confidence. You're on your own, in another area, country, or continent entirely when you get lost. Maybe you can speak the local language, maybe not, but either way you'll have to find your way out on your own and the sun is now starting to set. A typical situation we travellers find ourselves in from time to time and a wonderful situation to learn that you can in fact, truly take care of yourself.​

And you'll carry that knowledge of 'I really can do it' into the interview – a show of self-confidence and leadership ability that's always attractive to a hiring person.

5. You'll Have an Exceptional CV/Resume

How many other people your age can claim that they've travelled to a foreign place with success? That they didn't just break down without mom and dad and head back home to safety?​

How many other job applicants can claim that they've truly broadened their horizons and can bring unique thinking to the field? That they are 100% sure that they won't just quit when the work gets busy and stressful since they've already been there and done that?

So What's Stopping You From Traveling Now?

You're at that golden age of opportunity and discovery and the whole world is yours to explore. The jungles of the Amazon, the Big Things of Australia, the wild pigs of Nassau – it's all out there just waiting.​

See you on the road.

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